Ackworth Museum Entrance

Jump aboard our Turton's tour bus through the virtual museum of Ackworth Artefacts.

All of the items found in our museum are linked to Ackworth's history or have been owned by Ackworth residents and are preserved here for future generations to explore.

We hope you enjoy looking at items owned by Ackworth residents, both past and present, with each item helping to tell the story of our village history.


The information in this museum is provided in good faith but if anyone has any more information or spots any errors, please do contact us at 

More museum pieces required please...

If you have any items linked to Ackworth's history (i.e. not just an old item that could belong anywhere) then we would really love to include it in the Ackworth Museum. 

Photo's need to be clear and preferably on a plain background, so we are more than happy to arrange to photograph any items for you.  

Please contact:

Clive via  or Ackworth Museum Group (FaceBook)

Carole via 

Existing photo's of items no longer accessible e.g. an old Ackworth business vehicle, would also be gratefully accepted.

Thank you