Hessle Bomb

You might have spotted this memorial stone on Went Lane just before you get to the West Hardwick and Hessle turn offs when heading towards Purston, especially around September and November when wreaths or flowers make it more noticeable.
Following the tragic incident where the 6 men attending the crater of an air raid, were killed when the bomb exploded, the memorial was originally erected by Joe Helliwell (Brother of Ellis Helliwell) and friends and simply read... 'SITE OF DELAYED ACTION BOMB WHICH KILLED SIX MEN AND A BOY 1ST SEPTEMBER 1940'.
Then after many years of the memorial being hidden in the hedge bottom, George Hepworth researched the tragic event and together with Joe Helliwell set about raising £300 fund to pay for the names of the 'six men and boy' to be added to the memorial.
So 70 years after the incident, a dedication service was held and attended by relatives of those who lost their lives:
Misses Ruth and Phillis Harrison, Mr J Helliwell and Mr Taylor.
Mr Taylor brought along his grandfather's ARP badge and his watch which still showed the time of the explosion 09.08
The Express newspaper accounts of the tragic event:
Alfred Taylor's ARP badge and watch showing the time of the explosion.
Bomb victim, Ellis Helliwell, who was passing by on the road when the explosion took place and was given fist aid by PC John Aspinall.

Bomb victim, Head ARP Warden Walter North

Bomb victim, Home Guard Norman Allott