Quarry and Colliery items
Ackton Hall Colliery/Ackworth (Purston Road, High Ackworth)
Ackton Hall Colliery was established in 1873 at Featherstone. As the underground workings at the mine got further away from the shafts at Featherstone, it was decided to sink another shaft at Ackworth and install a ventilation fan. Sinking of the shaft commenced in 1912 and from then up until its closure in 1985 many of Ackworth’s residents worked at the pit.
Between 1873 and 1985, 329 men and boys were killed at the Ackton Hall Featherstone/Ackworth Colliery.
Pit checks/tokens
These pit checks were issued to the miners at the pit as a way of keeping a tally on who was working underground at any given time. Each miner had two identical checks with the same personal number on each. One would be given to the “banksman” on entering the “cage” to go down the mine and the second one given to the banksman when reaching the surface at the end of the shift. When not in the miners possession the checks were hung on a board in the office. Therefore one check on the board would mean the miner was underground, two checks on the board meant he was on the surface. They could also be used by the mines rescue team to help identify a person in the event of a disaster.
Knee Pads
These knee pads were used by a miner at the Ackworth pit up until 1976. Working on the coal face with the roof being only around 4 ft (1.2mtr) high meant these were essential. They were worn next to the skin as the high temperature in the mine made the wearing of “bannickers” (shorts) desirable. This made them extremely uncomfortable and it was a great relief when they could be taken off at the end of the shift and it was time to return to the surface.

Rose Bowl
Inscription reads: Ackworth Miners Support Group 1984
Miner’s strike 1984/85. This small rose bowl was presented to an Ackworth resident for her services in helping to feed the striking miners. The miners were in dispute about the colliery closures implemented by the then Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. Many of the wives of the Ackworth miners helped to set up and run a “soup kitchen” in the Mission Rooms (now a private residence) to help feed the families who had little or no income during the strike. At the end of the strike each was given a rose bowl like this one in recognition of their efforts and support.
Two badges from the Ackton Hall colliery. The one on the left in memory of the closure of the coal mine and the one on the right in recognition of the support group which was set up during the miners strike.
Ackton Hall Colliery Wage Slips
Here are two wage slips from Ackton Hall Colliery Ackworth.
The first is from 1974 and shows a full week’s wages for an underground mine worker whose job was to transport materials along the roadways to the coal face.
The figures show a gross payment of £36.65 for working 5 days (£6.40 per shift) with the take home pay being £27.30 after deductions.
The second is from 1975 and shows the wages for the same miner who by then had qualified to work on the coal face.
The figures show a gross payment of £50.37 for working 5 days (£9.60 per shift) with the take home pay being £33.10 after deductions.
Bowman's Quarry, Moor Top
One of the many quarries in Ackworth which supplied stone not only for local building work but throughout the UK and abroad. This one was where the Co op now stands,(2023) with All Saints church visible in background.

Small Stone Grindstone
Small Grindstone made by Ackworth Heritage photographer, Harry Miles. Harry had a keen interest and spent many hours at Ackworth Stone Quarries.
(available to view in Ackworth Heritage cabinet upstairs in Parish rooms, Bell Lane)