Ackworth Photo Competition

Published on 31 July 2021 at 09:50

By Ian Moore

Last week we launched the Ackworth Photo Competition with the aim to hopefully making a 2022 calendar that we can sell to raise money for a charity and the response has been amazing!!

There has been some challenge to say that the church also create a calendar every year (although I'm led to believe that didn't happen for 2021) and as such, we have a meeting with the church to discuss before we proceed with the calendar idea.  As such, the competition isn't really a competition at the moment, more just a gallery of lovely pictures with the aim to do something with them.

You can visit the gallery here (please note that at time of writing, there are three pages of fabulous pictures so please remember to click through them all) and you can submit your photos here.


The sheer variety and excellent quality of the entries has astounded me to be honest.  Given there's no prize (yet!) and no incentive, I'm so happy the village has come together to create this great bank of photos of our beautiful village - so thank you.

We're still very hopeful of getting a calendar off the ground, so long as we can find a solution that works for all parties so there will probably be some kind of public vote on these in the future.

In the mean time, keep your entries coming and we'll continue to upload them.  Please be patient if it takes a while, we've had a lot to get through!  There are only 2 real rules:

  • It must be your photo
  • It must be of Ackworth

Please make sure that if any people are in them, you have their permission for it to be uploaded as they will be displayed on this website and potentially printed in the future.

I'd love to hear your views and opinions on this initiative and if there is anything else you think we can do with these photos so please use the comments section below (please note that it asks for an email address - this is to try and stop spam - the email address will not be displayed with your comment and is only visible to the admins of the site).

Thanks again Ackworth

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